Who is William Brown?

My name is William Brown. I am a social worker, a Marine veteran, a husband, a father, and a resident of Visalia. I have had enough of business as usual in Sacramento.

Like many of you, I watch our tax dollars vanish into a bureaucratic black hole while our roads crumble and schools struggle. I see hardworking families squeezed by rising costs and shrinking opportunities. And why do we keep electing the same politicians expecting different results?

I'm running because I believe in a more straightforward idea: you know better than any government official how to live and spend your money. No special interests are pulling my strings. No corporate PACs are funding my campaign. I'm a middle-class dad who thinks it's time for an honest conversation about individual liberty and fiscal responsibility.

As a social worker, I've seen firsthand how bloated bureaucracies often hurt the people they're meant to help. As a Libertarian, I believe there's a better way - one that trusts individuals and communities over central planners and career politicians.

This campaign isn't about right versus left. It's about the bottom versus the top. It's about returning power to where it belongs - with you, the people of California.

If this resonates with you, I would like to invite you on the journey and would appreciate your vote. It won’t be easy, but one that is worth the fight!